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Monday, July 25, 2016

Check out my new Friendship kit in my Scrapbird Store!

Let's talk for a minute about our best friends. I don't know about you but I have a hard time, face to face, expressing my feelings about my best friend. She listens when I need to talk. She sets aside time for me in spite of how busy her life is. She is thoughtful, kind and generous. I feel blessed to have her in my life and I just don't know how to say all that to her. She's the kind that will brush off words, as though she doesn't do anything special and that's hardly the case. Do you have a friend like that? Maybe we would have better luck expressing our true feelings if we scrapped about this very special person, this cherished relationship. Here's a beautiful kit, intended for that purpose.

Here's a closer look at what's inside:

I also have a set of matching stackers available in my store:

Thanks so much for taking a look! I would love to see what you do with this or any of my other kits, so feel free to leave me a link to your layouts! Have a great week!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Check out my new Summer Breeze kit in my Scrapbird Store!

There is little that's so welcome as a Summer Breeze. Just being outside, breathing the fresh air, is a treat after months inside. This kit is meant to celebrate the great outdoors and the fun we have when we're there.

 Here's a closer look at what's inside:

Thanks so much for taking a look! I would love to see what you do with this or any of my other kits, so feel free to leave me a link to your layouts! Have a great week!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Check out my NEW Land of the Free kit in my Scrapbird Store!

It's Independence Day weekend in the US. We celebrate our formation and existence as a country, separate from England. This is a time of flag flying, parades, picnics, fireworks and much more. No matter what your 4th of July weekend includes, this kit will work well with your patriotic celebration.

Here's a closer look at what's inside:

Thanks so much for taking a look! I would love to see what you do with this or any of my other kits, so feel free to leave me a link to your layouts! Have a great week!